Martha my dear
C#Martha my dear though I Bspend my G#days in D#converBsation D#please. Remember C#me GMartha my G#love Gdon't forget G#me GMartha my G#dear. D#Hold your head up you G#silly girl D#look what you've done when you Bfind yourself in the thick of it help yourself to a bit of what is Gall aD#round you silly G#girl. Take a D#good look F7around you take a D#good look you're F7bound to see that G#you and D#me were G#meant to be for each D#other silly G#girl. Hold your head up you silly girl look what you've done when you find yourself in the thick of it help yourself to a bit of what is all around you silly girl. Martha my dear you have always been my inspiration please. Be good to me Martha my love don't forget me Martha my dear. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T21:43:52.026+00:00
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